Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trying to figure this out

I want to put pictures on this side of the blog but I'm not sure how. I'll figure it out. I forgot to write about our handsome little dudes.
Brandon is our 3 year old. He is very smart and loves to have conversations and ask questions to anyone who will listen.
Ryan will be 2 in Febuary and is our little bully. Well, not totally but he does love to push people's buttons, especially his big brother Brandon. He likes to see how Brandon will react, and Brandon sure does like to over-react. Ryan is quite a daddy's boy and loves to cuddle with Jason.
We have a third little Bingham boy on the way due December 18th. I can't complain. I love to be surrounded by my boys.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi Heidi,
I don't think we have ever met. I am Jason's cousin, Heather (Mike & Juli's daughter). I saw your blog through Nicki's site. I am excited to get to know your little family through your blog. Your boys are darling. My husband just got out of the Army in June, so we have a little bit in common. I am looking forward to more posts. Don't get frustrated, it took me a little while to get the hang of, and I am still so clueless about my computer. Its a fun way to stay in touch though. Hugs!